Information resource on donors activities
in the Kyrgyz Republic


OSCE Programme office in Bishkek


With 57 participating States in an area that covers North America, Europe and Asia, including the Kyrgyz Republic, the OSCE is the world’s largest regional security organization. The OSCE works for peace, democracy and stability for more than a billion people from Vancouver to Vladivostok, through political dialogue and practical work that makes a lasting difference locally, nationally and internationally.

The OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek has been operational since May 2017, following the adoption of its current mandate. The new mandate is based on the wish of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic to modernize the tasks of the OSCE presence, which has existed since 1998.


The OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek provides expert and technical assistance in response to requests submitted by the host country, and assists Kyrgyzstan in fulfilling its OSCE commitments. The activities of the Programme Office are carried out within the OSCE’s comprehensive security model – politico-military, economic and environmental, and human dimensions, with close cross-dimensional co-operation vital to achieving our set goals.

The OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek approaches every security issue in a comprehensive manner, be it transnational threats and law-enforcement co-operation, economic and environmental development, promoting good governance, advocating for the full implementation of the United Nation’s International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, fighting human trafficking or improving the national electoral system.

All areas of the Programme Office‘s work are closely linked to the host country’s efforts to transform Kyrgyzstan into a secure and progressive state, while also fulfilling its OSCE commitments


With the adoption of the new mandate in 2017, the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek remains steadfast in supporting the Kyrgyz Government in its implementation of OSCE commitments Based on mutual understanding and in close co-operation with the host authorities, the Office supports nationally led efforts and initiatives to strengthen security in the politico-military, economic and environmental, as well as human dimensions. The activities of the Programme Office are fully in line with Kyrgyzstan’s strategic documents. In particular, the Office works towards advancing the goals of the National Sustainable Development Strategy 2040 and its key component, the Tunduk programme as well as the Open Government Partnership, which aim to build effective, transparent and accountable governance through digital transformation of government services and enhanced participation by citizens.


The Office’s work in the politico-military field is based on close co-operation with partners in security and law enforcement sectors and follows a comprehensive approach to Security Sector Governance and Reform

Key areas of engagement:

  • Building modern, democratic and pro-active police services that are able to respond to the evolving domestic as well as transnational threats, with a strong focus on community policing and police- public partnership;
  • Strengthening national capacity in meeting politico-military and non-proliferation commitments by assisting Kyrgyzstan in the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) on nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction, contributing to enhanced protection of critical energy infrastructure and promoting implementation of OSCE confidence- and security- building measures;
  • Targeted institutional support, enhancing the professional capacity of relevant state agencies and fostering active international engagement of parliamentarians and public servants with their counterparts in other countries;
  • Developing the professional capacity of the State Border Service by providing capacity building activities to counter transnational threats, broaden regional and international co-operation in the field of border management and security;
  • Strengthening Kyrgyzstan’s capacity to effectively address and prevent the threats of violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism. Providing training, equipment and technical and legal assistance to the Kyrgyz authorities and population to help them to respond proportionately, rapidly and in an organized manner to terrorist and extremist activities;
  • Facilitating efforts to enhance community cohesion, and promoting regional cooperation and mutual understanding among young people in the Central Asian states, Afghanistan and Mongolia through the Central Asian Youth Network and through the Young Policy Advisers Course;
  • Supporting the operation and enhancing the capacity of the Kyrgyz Association of Women in the Security Sector to encourage gender mainstreaming and equality, and promote women’s participation in decision-making within the Kyrgyz security sector;
  • Improving the Kyrgyz Government’s capacity to fight organized crime and illegal drug trafficking through providing expertise, methodological and technical support.


The Office’s economic and environmental activities focus on assisting the government in addressing economic and environmental governance challenges to achieve greater stability, security and sustainable socio-economic development. The activities are aligned with the Office’s mandate and are complementary to the government’s priorities within the National Sustainable Development Strategy 2040

Key areas of engagement:

  • Helping to simplify and streamline the legal framework that regulates economic activities, thus stimulating market-driven growth, creating a favourable investment climate, and reducing opportunities for corruption and conflict of interest;
  • Supporting the Kyrgyz authorities’ efforts to counter money laundering and the financing of terrorism by assisting in the implementation of recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), and providing expertise and training to government agencies such as the State Service for Combatting Economic Crimes and the State Financial Intelligence Service by enhancing their capacity to respond to cybersecurity threats;
  • Facilitating the implementation of the national anti-corruption strategy by providing expertise and training to government agencies such as the General Prosecutor’s Office, the Security Council, and the Prime-Minister’s Office, and by supporting national and international inter-agency co-operation and co-ordination, including through joint study visits and conferences;
  • Supporting the Kyrgyz government’s efforts to develop and implement a two-year National Action Plan within the Open Government Partnership framework;
  • Assisting the Kyrgyz government to reform the public administration system and to improve the efficiency of public administration at national and local levels by providing expert-analytical support to the Prime-Minister’s Office of the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • Helping to increase the capacity of the Kyrgyz State Customs Service to facilitate international trade, combat smuggling and illicit drug trafficking, and adopt modern information and customs technologies;
  • Supporting the Entrepreneurship Support Centre in Osh that provides free legal and business consultations to local entrepreneurs;
  • Assisting the Kyrgyz government in the implementation of the Aarhus Convention by supporting the establishment and functioning of Aarhus Centres in Osh, Bishkek, and Cholpon-Ata. The Aarhus Centres help to raise awareness of and discuss environmental issues of local government authorities with the public, and enhance citizens participation in environmental decision-making.


The Programme Office works in partnership with national state institutions and civil society organizations to promote human rights and fundamental freedoms in the Kyrgyz Republic. Activities are based on OSCE human dimension commitments and are in line with the relevant strategies and plans of the Kyrgyz government

Key areas of engagement:

  • Providing support to the on-going electoral reform in Kyrgyzstan by assisting in the implementation of OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Missions’ recommendations;
  • Assisting the Kyrgyz Government in its efforts to establish personal data protection mechanisms;
  • Providing international expertise to the State Registration Service in their efforts to introduce electronic passports in the country;
  • Promoting active participation of women, youth, and people with disabilities in political and public life;
  • Assisting the Kyrgyz Government in strengthening the rule of law and administration of justice by helping to implement the new criminal justice legislation and introduce the Unified Crime Registry across the nation;
  • Building capacity of penitentiary administration in prevention of violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism (VERLT) in prisons;
  • Supporting the development of rehabilitation programmes for prisoners in line with the National Penitentiary System Development Strategy and international standards;
  • Enhancing the professional capacity of relevant state agencies and civil society on implementing international human rights standards;
  • Strengthening the capacity of state institutions and civil society to effectively combat trafficking in human beings;
  • Integrating gender aspects of security, and addressing gender-based violence, including early and non-consensual marriages;
  • Assisting relevant state agencies with the aim to advance the labour rights of persons with disabilities;
  • Helping to uphold religious freedoms and freedom of expression in the Kyrgyz Republic through dialogue, as well as to protect the social, economic, and cultural rights of all.


The OSCE Academy is an OSCE-wide flagship initiative and a regional OSCE institution, established in 2002 upon the initiative of the Kyrgyz Government and supported by the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek and OSCE participating States. The Academy offers two Masters programmes, in Politics and Security and in Economic Governance and Development. These programmes not only enhance students’ critical thinking and knowledge, but also promote regional co-operation, conflict prevention and good governance in Central Asia and beyond. In the 2018-2019 academic year, 55 students have been selected from among 2114 applicants to study at the Academy, representing the five states of Central

Asia as well as Afghanistan and Mongolia. Professional training courses, multiple conferences, research and workshops throughout the year further contribute to the Academy’s value as a unique venue for intellectual exchange and debate in the wider region.

55 students were selected from among 2114 applicants to study at the Academy, from Central Asia, Afghanistan, and Mongolia. Today, the Academy’s growing alumni network stands at 474 (251 women and 223 men), who are stepping into leadership roles in their respective countries, becoming the ‘movers and shakers’ of national and regional politics and development. Of those alumni seventy two per cent live and work in Central Asia and Afghanistan. Employed alumni build their careers in the public sector, international organizations (including 29 people working for OSCE), education and research institutions (30 people are currently enrolled in PhD studies), the private sector and the non-profit sector. Thirty seven per cent of the employed alumni hold senior positions.

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Head of office in Bishkek: Mr. Alexey Rogov
Om media and public related matters: Kunduz Rysbek, Communications, National Press and Public Information Officer

Office: +996 312 61 24 45 (ext. 7113)

For more information about the OSCE visit the website
6, Ryskulova str.
Bishkek 720001
Tel: (+996 312) 61 24 41  
Fax: (+996 312) 66 31 69
Business hours: 9.00-6.00