Information resource on donors activities
in the Kyrgyz Republic


The World Bank


The World Bank Group is an international financial institution working in every major area of development. The World Bank provides a wide array of financial products and technical assistance, and helps countries share and apply innovative knowledge and solutions to the challenges they face.

The World Bank Group has two goals: to end extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity in a sustainable way.

Since the Kyrgyz Republic joined the World Bank in 1992, the Bank’s financial assistance has amounted to over US$1.6 billion. The World Bank’s support has helped the country maintain macroeconomic stability, invest in strategic infrastructure, and improve access to social services. The World Bank–supported programs have delivered important development results in many areas, including health care, education, rural development, irrigation, water supply and sanitation, transport infrastructure, and public finance management.

The strategic focus of the World Bank’s program as highlighted in the 2019–22 Country Partnership Framework is to assist the Kyrgyz Republic to promote diversified, export-oriented, inclusive and sustainable private sector-led growth.

The World Bank’s engagement for the next several years will be built around three focus areas:

First, strengthening the foundations for inclusive private-sector led growth, focusing especially on fiscal stability, improvements to the regulatory environment for business, and risk reduction.

Second, boosting overall productivity and building greater connectivity through support for the development of promising natural resource sectors and greater digital and physical connectivity.

Third, further creating economic opportunities and building resilience through investments in human capital, efforts to decentralize and support regional development and adapting better to environmental and climate risks.

Support for these areas will be provided through concessional International Development Association lending, supplemented by trust fund financing and intensified advisory services and analytics that emphasize practical, problem-solving advice.

For more information, please visit and

WB Country Manager: Mr. Hugh Riddell 

Information contact: External affairs officer: Ms. Jyldyz Djakypova
191, Abdrahmanov Str. Hyatt Regency Bishkek, 2nd floor 
Bishkek, 720011
Tel:  +996 (312) 625262
Fax:  +996 (312) 625362
Business Hours: 9.00-17.00 Monday-Friday