Information resource on donors activities
in the Kyrgyz Republic


Finland’s development cooperation in Eastern Europe and Central Asia



Finnish development aid and cooperation in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia 2014-2017 Finland executes the concept of Wider European Initiative in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia. Wider European Initiative (WEI) was established in 2008 as framework for Finland's bilateral development aid and cooperation in Central Asia, Caucasus and Eastern Europe. WEI targets to promote stability, democratic and legal development and principles of good governance in eleven different countries. In Central Asia these countries include Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. For the period 2014 - 2017 Finland has budgeted 40 million euros for development programs focused especially on Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. This program has two main objectives:

  1. Promotion of green economy and partnership in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan that aims to consolidate socially responsible entrepreneurship, labor market and sustainable use of natural resources in these countries.
  2. Support for the development of democracy in all target countries including Caucasus and Eastern Europe. During 2014 - 2017 Finland tries to further enhance and focus its development policy and cooperation in Central Asia focusing on the least developed countries and regions. Former experiences and results work as a valuable guideline helping Finland to channel aid and expertise where it is most needed.

Deputy Head of Mission: Ms. Helena Bogdan
Embassy of Finland in Astana
Astana Tower, 12 Samal Microdistrict
010000 Astana, Kazakhstan
Phone +7 7172 44 21 21