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Youth Forum helps young people to discuss their urgent problems and identify solutions

Published: 15 May 2015 г.
Osh, 14-15 May 2015 (UNHCR) – United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) this week supported a Youth Forum entitled, “Youths with right steps to achieve good objectives”, in Jalal-Abad province, as part of its peace-building activities.
“This is an exciting gathering, bringing together so many young people to discuss peace and common concerns.  The positive energy is infectious and I am confident that what they experience today, tackling difficult issues through dialogue and exchange of ideas, would help them make positive changes to their country’s future,” UNHCR’s Representative Maki Shinohara said.
Some 200 youths from all districts of Kyrgyzstan gathered for the two-day festival in the mountain village of Ala-Buka to discuss key issues relevant to peace:  1) prevention of religious extremism among young people; 2) youths for strengthening international and inter-ethnic relations; 3) youths role in the resolution of cross-border issues; and 4) crime prevention among teen-agers. The grand event to strengthen solidarity between cultures was organized by Plenipotentiary Representative of Jalal-Abad province and supported by UNDP, UNICEF and UNHCR.
“It was my first experience in such events where meet so many other young people from different regions.  This forum gave me new ideas, I have feeling that we are all youth in our country united and have great plans for the future of our country,” Chairperson of Chatkal District Youth Committee Myrza Kubatov said.

The events served to strengthen the inter-ethnic tolerance among young actors, created a platform for dialogue between youths and the authorities, provided an opportunity for young leaders from remote areas of Kyrgyzstan to come together to share their experiences with other participants. They concluded thematic discussions with a joint resolution urging relevant decision makers of the Kyrgyz Government to improve and reinforce policies related to the concerns of young people.

“Today’s Forum, which we are having in Ala-Buka, proves one more time that our youth do care about future of our country. We see strong enthusiasm in youth, how they prepared for this forum and how they share ideas with each other. We believe that Forum will have very good positive impact on peace, unity and stability for our country. We can see that authorities from different districts also interested to have such Youth Forum in their regions in future,” Deputy Head of Ala-Buka district administration Kalchabu Usenbaeva, said.

Government officials participating in the event included Presidential Administration, Plenipotentiary Representatives of Government, Delegates of Jogorku Kenesh, Ministry of Youth, Employment and Migration, Ministry of Education and Science, Internal Affairs, State Agency for Self-Governance and Interethnic Relations, Border Services, State Committee for Religion Affairs, Kyrgyzstan Nation Assembly, district and village state administrations, along with some members of the civil society.
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees leads and co-ordinates humanitarian action to protect refugees, asylum-seekers, and stateless people in Kyrgyzstan.  UNHCR provides assistance to the state authorities in establishing fair and efficient asylum systems, preventing and reducing statelessness. UNHCR assists population affected by June 2010 event in the south of the country.