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Fifth Professional Development Workshop: Professors of the Consortium of Universities Advancing NPM Education in the Kyrgyz Republic

Published: 09 June 2015 г.
On June 3-4, 2015, 23 dedicated professors representing 11 universities - members of the Consortium of Universities on NPM in the Kyrgyz Republic actively participated in the 5th Professional Development Workshop organized with support of the USAID Collaborative Governance Program.
Ann Hopper, Democracy and Governance Office Director, USAID/Kyrgyz Republic, made welcoming remarks and highlighted the dedication, enthusiasm, and excellent team work of the participants in an effort to advance NPM education in the Kyrgyzstani Universities. During this ceremony, 18 professors were honored for their dedicated work on the NPM syllabi design

During the 5th Professional Development Workshop, university professors finalized the 3rd course syllabus on “Financial Management in Nonprofit Organizations,” shared their experience and new approaches in teaching the NPM courses and discussed the use of the available electronic versions of NPM books and glossaries for teaching purposes. Five fellows of the 2nd NPM Fellowship Program organized by USAID/CGP in the Republic of Georgia on May 2-30, 2015, returned back motivated and shared findings and new trends in NPM education of Georgian university partners as well as specifics of CSO development and its role in advancing NPM education and in Georgian society overall. The five NPM alumni used a chance to share new methodologies, approaches in developing and teaching NPM course syllabi, shared their view and discussed options for further sustainability and institutionalization of the Consortium of Universities on NPM and NPM Resource Centers, which were established during the past 18 months. The participants of the workshop discussed the agenda for the 2nd Annual NPM Conference and identified the theme for the next 4th NPM course to develop further. In September 2015, several members of the Consortium Universities, including Osh State University, Batken State University, and Djalal-Abad State University are planning to launch the 3rd NPM Course on “Financial Management in Nonprofit Organizations.” Consortium Universities on NPM will continue teaching the 1st and the 2nd NPM courses titled “Introduction to NPM” and “Nonprofit Organizations in the Contemporary World” in the upcoming academic year of 2015-2016.

The participants of the 5th PDW were also familiarized with the results of the 2nd NPM Course “Nonprofit Organizations in the Contemporary World” survey conducted by M-Vector with CGP support in May-June. The survey results provided professors with objective feedback from students on the quality of teaching the 2nd NPM course. Professors were glad to receive the survey results and agreed to improve the NPM course according to the recommendations and feedback the survey provided.