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UCA Celebrates Summer Camp Graduates

Published: 08 July 2015 г.
Korumdu Village, Kyrgyz Republic, 6 July 2015 – The University of Central Asia (UCA) Summer Camp ended today, with a closing ceremony at the Sinegorie Pansionat resort, on the shores of Lake Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan.
The closing ceremony was attended by Mrs Rita Borbukeeva, Deputy Governor of Issyk-Kul Oblast, Mrs Kadisha Dairova, Vice President of Student Affairs, International Cooperation and Government Relations at Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan, Mr David Agnew, President of Seneca College Canada and Mr Shamsh Kassim-Lakha, Diplomatic Representative of Aga Khan Development Network for the Kyrgyz Republic and Executive Chairman of the UCA Board Executive Committee.

“You have all been excellent students eager to improve your English and math. Some of you have dramatically progressed to express yourself through poetry. Well done,” said Mrs Borbukeeva.

The 76 Grade 10 students from Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan who attended the Camp represent a talented cohort of Central Asian students, selected through a competitive regional admissions process that had as many as 850 applicants.  At the closing ceremony, each student received a certificate of participation. The closing ceremony was led by the camp participants which included performances such as a traditional Tajik dance, Kyrgyz komuz recitation and a short play.

“The successful completion of the inaugural UCA Summer Camp marks a significant milestone as UCA is progressing towards our first campus opening in Naryn next year. Congratulations to all students on your hard work; you have taken a great step in your journey towards higher education. I commend our international and Central Asian Summer Camp team for skillfully teaching and guiding our students and getting them to this point,” said Kassim-Lakha.

“The role of a university of not just to provide an eduation. It is more. It helps you with career preparation. You have all surpassed cultural and political differences to come together for this camp.” said Mrs Kadisha Dairova. “I am pleased to be part of the University of Central Asia undergraduate programme advisory group and hope we wil to develop the best programme for you.”

The three week Summer Camp, which started on 17 June 2015, provided a unique academic enrichment experience for participants to improve their English and math skills, receive critical support to enter local or international universities and engage in other activities, including sports, drama, debating, science and field trips, which provided opportunities to practice English-language skills, learn and share experiences.

“This has been the best 21 days of my life. At the start of the Camp, I spoke English poorly; I could not even connect two words. Now I speak well and my math has also improved. My counsellors were really funny and I will miss them. I enjoyed the evening programmes, the lessons and the food. We ate different delicious Central Asian dishes. I really want to study at the University of Central Asia in Naryn!” said Aselya Toktorova, who is from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

Following the Camp, UCA will link applicants to UCA with mentors from different countries via Skype.  These mentors will provide students  further support on how to prepare for, and secure, a world-class education.