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UCA Awards Certificates to Local Economic and Community Development Programme Civil Servants in Kyrgyzstan

Published: 16 July 2015 г.
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, 15 July 2015 – The University of Central Asia’s School of Professional and Continuing Education (UCA SPCE) held a Certificate Award ceremony on 15 July 2015 at the State Agency for Local-Self-Governance and Interethnic Relations under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic for 15 civil servants who successfully completed the Local Economic and Community Development (LECD) Certificate Programme.

Mr Bakyt Ryspaev, Director of State Agency for Local-Self-Governance and Interethnic Relations under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, and Dr Bohdan Krawchenko, Director General, UCA delivered welcome speeches at the ceremony.

Ryspaev thanked UCA for providing the opportunity to improve the skills of the Agency’s staff. He also noted that all civil servants who participated are already applying their newly gained skills in their work: “We express our readiness for further effective cooperation with the University of Central Asia.”

The 15 civil servants completed the programme as part of the Research and Public Policy Initiative Project. The programme is delivered by UCA SPCE with support from the International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada and the Aga Khan Foundation Canada.

“Training of civil servants is becoming a critical part in improving public service. The University of Central Asia has been contributing to strengthening the capacity of local-self-government agencies since 2010; over 1,350 civil servants participated in trainings provided by UCA,” said Krawchenko.

From 2014-2015, the civil servants received training in four modules including Local Economic Development, Community Development, Management and Information Technology.

In 2013, UCA and the State Agency for Local-Self-Governance and Interethnic Relations under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic signed Memorandum of Understanding to develop mutually beneficial cooperation, implement joint activities on regional development and strengthening the capacity of civil and municipal servants in the Kyrgyz Republic.

“The training course was relevant and very useful. We had a great opportunity to acquire new and necessary knowledge. Thanks to the courses, I became more confident in making decisions at work.  I am in charge of human resource issues and having attended the courses I became quite good also at other economic issues,“ said programme participant Ainura Sultakeeva, Head of Administration and HR, State Agency Director of State Agency for Local Self-Governance and Interethnic Relations under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.

LECD is designed to build the capacity of local civil servants, who are the closest government representatives to rural communities and have the greatest potential to enhance community-government relations.