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Establishment of climate services to be discussed in Bishkek

Published: 08 September 2015 г.
Recognizing that Central Asia is highly vulnerable to weather- and climate-related disasters, the first Global Framework for Climate Services Workshop for Central Asia will gather regional experts and stakeholders in Bishkek from 8 to 11 September with the purpose to explore how to build a greater resilience through climate services.
The goal of the workshop is to identify requirements for climate observation in such sectors as Health, Water, and Disaster Risk Reduction. The participants will share their knowledge of climate-related issues and contribute to establishing socio-economically beneficial climate services.

This event is jointly organized by the Swiss Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss, the Government of Switzerland, KyrgyzHydromet, and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

The World Meteorological Organization and its partners have established the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) to help Central Asian countries to take advantage of climate science and service delivery to serve their citizens. The GFCS assists countries to build their capacity for delivering climate information, products and services to support decision-making for climate-sensitive sectors.

Climate services build on the experience of weather services to offer science-based information and forecasts that empower decision-makers to manage the risks and opportunities of climate variability and climate change.

The providers of climate services consult with users to determine what kind of information they need, when and how often, and in what format. They then deliver the information and assist their clients to interpret and apply it.
The international community established the GFCS to promote operational climate services at the national and regional levels. This intergovernmental effort is led by the WMO in partnership with various agencies of the United Nations and other international organizations.