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External Assessment of Law Enforcement Will Be Piloted in Three Communities in Kyrgyzstan

Published: 25 September 2015 г.
The Civil Union for Reforms and Results is launching a project on “External Assessment of Police Performance: Piloting New Approaches.” The external assessment methodology developed by experts will be piloted in three communities of the country.
Initiative groups will be formed in Talas, Uzgen, and one of Bishkek districts to introduce and test new approaches in assessment of law enforcement activities. Initiative groups are supposed to include civil activists, representatives of mayor offices, and members of city councils (keneshes).

Activities of the newly formed initiative groups will be aimed at facilitating the implementation of the Kyrgyz Republic government decree No. 81 of February 24, 2015 as it pertains to external assessment. Experts of the Civil Union for Reforms and Results were engaged in development of the mentioned decree.

According to the government decree, assessment of law enforcement performance includes internal and external assessment. While previously internal police performance assessment used to be mostly based on statistics of crime detection rates, more attention will now be paid to quality indicators. External assessment includes social studies, evaluation of community confidence in law enforcement, and collection of information from local self-governance structures and public organizations.

The methodology developed for piloting the external assessment will be then finalized based on outcomes achieved in pilot districts. If the piloting has been a success, these practices will be replicated in other districts of the country.

A negotiating group of representatives of the government apparatus, Ministry of Interior, and civil society and experts will be formed for permanent consultations with various stakeholders.

Activities on formation of initiative groups and development of methodology for external assessment of law enforcement performance is implemented with support of the Collaborative Governance Program (CGP) funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).