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in the Kyrgyz Republic

News block

Switzerland to support earthquake-affected people in the south of Kyrgyzstan

Published: 23 December 2015 г.
The Embassy of Switzerland in the Kyrgyz Republic is launching a new six-month project to support the most vulnerable households in Osh oblast affected by the earthquake of November 17th, 2015. This project will cost CHF 220’000 (around USD 222’000).
The project will provide shelter assistance (reconstruction works) to highly vulnerable earthquake-affected households, while increasing community resilience to future earthquakes in Uzgen and Kara-Suu districts of Osh oblast.

The work will be implemented by the Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED) in Kyrgyzstan in close collaboration with the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic, with financial support from the Government of Switzerland.

The project will repair 125 heavily damaged houses, conduct trainings on affordable para-seismic construction norms and techniques for local builders as well as information campaigns for the local population to raise awareness about risks and behavior in case of earthquakes.

For reference:
On November 17th 2015, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake hit the Alai, Kara-Suu and Uzgen districts of Osh oblast in Kyrgyzstan. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kyrgyzstan (MES), 6,576 houses were damaged, out of which 1,012 were classified as severely damaged to completely destroyed. In view of the current winter conditions, shelter assistance was prioritized by MES as the most urgent need to be addressed.