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University of Central Asia Extends Undergraduate Admissions Deadline in Response to Student Demand

Published: 09 March 2016 г.
The University of Central Asia (UCA) is extending its undergraduate admissions deadline from 18 March to 15 April 2016.
On 5 September 2016, UCA opens its doors in Naryn, Kyrgyz Republic the first of its three regional campuses to its inaugural undergraduate class. In Phase 1 of its operation, UCA offers a bachelor’s programme in four specialisations. Computer Science and Communications and Media are offered at the Naryn Campus, with Central Asian Studies as a minor.

The second campus opening in Khorog, Tajikistan in September 2017 will offer Economics as well as Earth and Environmental Sciences, with Development Studies as a minor. Students pursuing Tajikistan-based majors will begin their studies at the Naryn campus this year for their Preparatory Programme and relocate to Khorog in 2017.
“UCA’s application process is intended to identify academically talented and creative students from urban and rural areas who will together form the University’s founding class. The first class in a new institution is a special one: pioneers who set the tone for others who will follow. Admission by merit and generous financial assistance in the form of scholarships, grants and interest free loans to study in programmes are cornerstones of this vision,” said UCA Registrar Anna Petrova-Hughes, who is originally from Kyrgyzstan, and has worked at senior levels with Canadian universities.
UCA has held information sessions in its three Founding States of Tajikistan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Kazakhstan for students interested in applying to the University; these sessions have received significant interest and requests for application assistance from students. To ensure students from both rural and urban communities have ample time to apply, the University will accept applications until 15 April.
The admissions team will continue travel throughout Tajikistan, Kyrgyz Republic and Kazakhstan. Students and parents are encouraged to attend information and application counselling sessions in their vicinity. Additional information and counselling sessions will be announced at:

To learn more about UCA’s degree programmes, visit: Contact us by email:, or call: +996 770 822 901 (Kyrgyz Republic) +992 93 999 99 64 (Tajikistan)  +7 777 822 3948 (Kazakhstan) with your questions.