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The 3rd KOICA-JICA Joint Seminar on Disaster Management

Published: 14 March 2016 г.
As a part of the "Multi-year Joint Capacity Development Program on Disaster Management" (MJCD Program) which was started in 2012 by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and both KOICA and JICA will hold a "Joint Seminar on Disaster Management" on 16th and 17th of March 2016 in Bishkek.
The MJCD Program has initiated during last 4 years under the MoU (2012-2016) between KOICA and JICA. The Program composed of training courses by KOICA and JICA and a follow-up seminar in the partner countries every year.

The 3rd joint seminar in Kyrgyz Republic will be consisted of 5 parts under the purpose of sharing Japanese and Korean experiences, knowledge and techniques on disaster management; 1) lectures by experts from Korea and Japan in regard to national disaster management system, experiences of Japanese mega disasters, landslide and slope hazards risk management, disaster management education, JAPAN-UNDP joint project on disaster response and risk assessment capacitiesand so on, 2)lectures by experts from the Kyrgyz Republic in regard to emergency management situation, 3) land slide site visit, 4)follow-up presentations from ex-participants of KOICA and JICA’s training programs, and 5) open discussions among all participants in the field of disaster management related organizations from Korean, Japan and Kyrgyz Republic.

The goal of MJCD program is to tackle with disaster management issues in developing countries to protect people from threats and to build more disaster resilient societies that range from the policy level to the field level. Participating countries are Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan,Myanmar, Vietnam, Philippines, Bangladesh, Fiji, India, Armenia, Chile, Belize, etc.