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Financial Aid at the University of Central Asia: Making Education Accessible to all Qualified Students

Published: 31 March 2016 г.
This article is partof the series “Choosing a University,” exploring the questions and opportunities students encounter when applying to university. This series is produced by the University of Central Asia, now accepting applications for its inaugural cohort of students in September 2016. The application deadline is 15 April 2016.
A university education is one of the most important investments a student can make. But high quality programmes are almost always costly. Without generous financial aid, most Central Asians cannot afford a world class degree.

UCA offers an international standard of education, delivered in English, at residential mountain campuses. The first of three campuses opening in Naryn, Kyrgyz Republic in 2016, features beautifully designed academic, residential, dining and sports facilities, libraries, laboratories, lounge and recreation areas, health and wellness services, 100% Internet connectivity and the smallest student to faculty ratio in the region (9 to 1).

So qualified students may find themselves asking: how will I afford a UCA education?
Like many international universities, UCA works with shortlisted students to understand their financial needs. UCA provides merit scholarships, grants, and interest-free loans to make university financially feasible for students and families. UCA is committed to ensuring students who work hard, achieve academically and demonstrate community leadership can access the highest quality education possible, regardless of socioeconomic status.

“Any qualified student, whether from a big city or small town, deserves a chance to pursue a UCA education. This is how we will strengthen our institution, our campus community and the region at large,” said Rahim Somani, UCA Director of Finance and Administration.

Students in greatest need may receive up to 90 per cent assistance with fees through scholarships, grants and interest-free loans, and  are required to apply for financial aid on an annual basis and must maintain good grades.
UCA’s cost per student is already heavily subsidised; annual tuition represents roughly 20 per cent of actual costs. Tuition is payable in national currency and covers everything from dormitories and food, to health plans and laptop computers.

UCA’s mandate is to provide access to an international standard of education to the region’s best and brightest. No student will be denied admission to UCA due to financial hardship.

For more information on applying to UCA, visit: visit:, email us at, or call: +996 770 822 901 (Kyrgyz Republic) +992 93 999 99 64 (Tajikistan)  +7 777 822 3948 (Kazakhstan)