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in the Kyrgyz Republic

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Eos Guitar Quartet from Switzerland to give concerts in Kyrgyzstan

Published: 05 April 2016 г.
The Embassy of Switzerland in the Kyrgyz Republic has invited the Eos Guitar Quartet from Switzerland with a concert tour of classical guitar music in Bishkek and Osh. The concerts will take place from 9th to 12th of April 2016.
"One of the world's best guitar quartets" (According to Leo Brouwer, a Cuban composer and guitarist), the Eos Guitar Quartet has been casting a spell over their fans for over 25 years. It is regularly invited to play at the most important international guitar festivals and in the most renowned concert halls. Whether it is classical, jazz, rock, modern avant-garde or flamenco – the Eos Guitar Quartet is comfortable playing in many styles.

The Eos Guitar Quartet will perform on the following dates:
  • 9 April – participation at the 11th Annual Jazz Festival, Kyrgyz National Philharmonic at 18:00 (information about the jazz festival is at, tickets can be purchased by tel.: 0312 301198);
  • 12 April – concert of classic guitar music, Small Hall of the Kyrgyz National Philharmonic at 18:30 (entry by invitation, invitations can be enquired by tel.: 0555 039911).
  • 11 April – concert of jazz and classic music jointly with the German group “Julia Hulsmann Trio”, Osh Kyrgyz Drama Theatre at 18:00 (free entry).
Also the Eos Guitar Quartet will also hold two master-classes in Bishkek for young musicians to give them an opportunity to learn more about guitar music.
  • 9 April - music college named after M. Kurenkeev at 13:00 (open to the public);
  • 12 April – Kyrgyz National Conservatory named after K. Moldobasanov at 14:00 (open to the public).