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University of Central Asia Launches Open Recruitment Campaign for Naryn Campus Staff

Published: 10 May 2016 г.

The University of Central Asia is seeking applicants for over 50 positions at UCA’s inaugural campus in Naryn, Kyrgyz Republic. The positions will support on-campus operations in anticipation of the University’s launch in September 2016, fulfilling a commitment to offering an international standard of education in Central Asia.
UCA has launched a recruitment campaign for more than 50 positions at the Naryn campus through announcements in Central Asian media and billboard advertisements in the centre of town.

“As we anticipate the arrival of UCA’s inaugural cohort of students to the Naryn campus in September 2016, the Naryn municipality is pleased with the ongoing benefits to our community from this growth,” said Naryn Mayor Rakhat Adiev.

“UCA’s impact is far reaching, from developing future leadership in the country and the region to generating economic opportunities for UCA Naryn’s students, staff and surrounding communities. We are proud to be partners in their efforts as they make history here in Naryn.”
UCA is seeking candidates with skills in Maintenance, Kitchen and Food Service, Security Services and Administration. Vacancy details, including necessary qualifications and required experience are available online at Applications are due by 25 May 2016.
“UCA began recruiting faculty in 2015, with the first academic staff joining in February. Our student recruitment campaign ended on 15 April and the admissions process is well underway, with students sitting for the UCA admissions exam in Tajikistan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Kazakhstan on 1 May. We emphasise merit-based, transparent, and skills-based rigour in all of UCA’s processes, from student admissions to faculty and staff recruitment,” said Muzaffar Jorubov, Chief Operating Officer, University of Central Asia.
UCA is an equal opportunity employer and recruitment is transparent and merit-based. Applicants from all over UCA’s three founding states of Tajikistan, Kyrgyz Republic and Kazakhstan are encouraged to apply and will undergo a rigorous hiring process.