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Public Hearings on Proposed Anti-Corruption Amendments to Key Kyrygz Laws

Published: 31 May 2016 г.
Bishkek – The Anti-Corruption Business Council of the Kyrgyz Republic will hold public hearings on proposed anti-corruption amendments to a number of Kyrgyz laws on June 1, 2016, at 9:30 a.m. at the Plaza Hotel (52, Togolok Molodo Street). Participants will discuss amendments to the Kyrgyzstan’s Civil Code, Law on Collateral, Law on Bank Secrecy, Criminal Procedure Code and Civil Procedure Code. The amendments were proposed to ensure the protection of individual and legal property and to fulfill the Kyrgyz Republic’s obligation to ensure the protection of property rights in accordance with international rules and regulations ratified by Parliament.
The Anti-Corruption Business Council of the Kyrgyz Republic organized the pubic hearings as part of the agenda of a working group led by Almambet Shikmamatov, Deputy of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic. The working group was established by a resolution of the Committee on the Constitutional Legislation, State Structure, Judicial and Legal Affairs and the Regulation of the Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament)(JK) and the Committee for Public Order and Anti-Corruption Efforts of JK KR within a project supported by the Collaborative Governance Program, funded by USAID and DFID.

Discussions on the proposed amendments will be based on an analysis of legislative and regulatory compliance practices as it pertains to protection of individual and business property rights and to the elimination of the risks of corruption. Proposed amendments to more than 38 articles of the aforementioned laws will be open for public discussion.

Deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic, judges from the Supreme Court and representatives from the General Prosecutor's Office, the Government Office, the Union of Kyrgyz Banks, business associations (members of the National Alliance of Business Associations), the Association for Protection of the Rights of Borrowers, the Association of CSOs Against Corruption, CSOs and mass media will participate in the public hearings.
The Collaborative Governance Program (CGP) promotes effective collaboration among civil society, the private sector, and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, and the private sector of the Kyrgyz Republic.  The Program is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID), and is implemented by East-West Management Institute (EWMI)