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Smile.KG to Share Results of Fundraising Campaign for Ramps for Osh Schools

Published: 06 June 2016 г.
Osh – Smile.KG will share the results of its fundraising campaign for ramps in Osh schools at an event on June 6, 2016, at 10 a.m. at Gorkii School #8. The campaign aims to create infrastructures to enable children with disabilities to access secondary education by collecting funds and materials for the construction of ramps in three schools in the city of Osh.
The campaign is part of the “Yes –to Inclusive Education” project, which is supported by the Collaborative Governance Program, funded by USAID[1] and DFID.

Deputies and representatives from the Osh Mayor’s Office, the Department of Education, construction companies, international and non-profit organizations, mass media, school and teachers and parent involvement committees have been invited to the event. Participants will have the opportunity to see an interesting program prepared with students and children with disabilities. 

Contributions from society will help enable children with disabilities to access inclusive education. There’s a lot of hope that one drop of support from generous donors will produce an ocean of good. Since 2015, “Smile.KG” has been passionately working to advance its “Yes –to Inclusive Education” Project. According to a survey conducted in 47 streamline Osh schools, only one or two children out of ten attend school. The other children are either tutored at home or do not have an opportunity to receive an education at all. The survey was conducted to determine whether school infrastructures were prepared to provide access to inclusive education for children with disabilities and included responses from more than 120 parents and school-age children with disabilities.

To address those problems and promote inclusive education in Osh, the “Inclusive Education to Children with Disabilities” alliance was established, and a plan for joint action was developed for the members of the alliance. “Smile.KG” and the Osh City Department of Education signed a Memorandum for Cooperation to promote inclusive education. 

The Collaborative Governance Program (CGP) promotes effective collaboration among civil society, the private sector and the Government and private sector of the Kyrgyz Republic. The Program is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID), and is implemented by East-West Management Institute (EWMI).

[1]USAID Collaborative Governance Program funded project does not cover expenses for infrastructure rehabilitation.  Construction of ramps will be made with the funds of the local community donated during the fundraising campaign.