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News block

Summer Camp for Girls to Be Held in Arslanbob

Published: 16 June 2016 г.
Jalal-Abad – Public Foundation “Young Citizens Development” and Public Association “Alliance for Reproductive Health” are organizing a summer camp as part of the “Women’s Health and Empowerment” project. The camp will be open in Arslanbob from July 18-23rd. Girls from ages 14 to 17 years-old, who study in secondary schools and live in Jalal-Abad and Batken Oblasts, can participate in the summer camp.
The project is supported by the Collaborative Governance Program, funded by USAID and DFID.
Participants will have an opportunity to learn about health, develop leadership skills, and discuss issues on empowerment of women in the Kyrgyz Republic while engaging in fun activities including sports, concerts and other events. The camp is designed to develop participants’ skills in leadership and decision-making.

Those interested in participating in the summer camp, should submit an application form in Kyrgyz or Russian by 17:00, June 20, 2016. Application forms can be obtained via an e-mail request to: or at youth centers in Akdy, Toktogul, Masy, Bazar-Korgon, Suzak and Jalal-Abad.

Applications are also available at the Public Foundation “Young Citizens Development” and Public Association “Alliance for Reproductive Health” (ARZ) in Batken Oblast at the Batken Youth House at Kyzyl-Kiya, micro district 1, 4-36; tel / fax: (03657) 50182; e-mail:
For more information about how to participate in the summer camp, please call: + 996-3722-26955.

The Collaborative Governance Program (CGP) promotes effective collaboration among civil society, the private sector, and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, and the private sector of the Kyrgyz Republic. The Program is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID), and is implemented by East-West Management Institute (EWMI).