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Osh Volunteers Received Training in how to Work with Children with Special Needs

Published: 20 September 2016 г.

Osh – On Sunday, September 18th a one-day capacity development training course was provided in the city of Osh for three groups of volunteers on effective and innovative approaches in providing assistance to children with special needs and their families. The training course was held in the Hotel “Salam”. The Public foundation “Blagodat” conducted the training in partnership with the Public Foundations “Family to Every Child” and “” as part of their project “Improvement of Opportunities and Support for Children with Special Needs in Osh”.  This project is supported by the USAID Collaborative Governance Program. 

The training course was attended by three groups of 25 volunteers who range in age from 20 to 30 years, including  special education teachers from local schools, social workers, psychologists, and educators who were selected on a competitive basis and who attended a previous three-day training on working with special needs children.  The training program included practical lessons; role-playing; psychological “work-outs”; as well as one-on-one training in counseling of children and families with special needs.  The training also provided sociological and pedagogical support to parents.  

The training program promoted volunteerism and provided information on the challenges of children with special needs; offered opportunities to meet children and families who require assistance; as well as provided a chance for participants to work and learn as a team as they participated in creative, problem-solving exercises. Such activities promote social activism amongst young people; contributes to their personal and professional development; enhances their communication skills; and develops a deeper sense of empathy for children with special needs.  

The Collaborative Governance Program (CGP) promotes effective collaboration among civil society, the private sector, and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, and the private sector of the Kyrgyz Republic.  The Program is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID), and is implemented by East-West Management Institute (EWMI).