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Citizens of Osh City Work to Reduce Early and Unregistered Marriages

Published: 26 September 2016 г.

Osh City – on September 21, 2016 the Public Association “Law Center” organized the roundtable with local government representatives, public preventive centers, the Office of Civil Registrations, members of the local clergy, and human rights organizations as a part of the “Women in the Modern Society” project with the goal to reduce the number of early and unregistered marriages.

The roundtable participants discussed the results of the mini-survey and the causes and the negative consequences of early and unregistered marriages, and effective efforts to promote a better enforcement of existing laws and legal public awareness in the target communities. By the end of the discussion, the participants developed recommendations for the Osh City Council and Aiyl Okmotu (local government) in Osh Oblast such as: regular educational programs and trainings for high school students, an extensive media campaign about harmful consequences of early and unregistered marriages, legal ban of a marriage ceremony “nikah” without permission of the State Registration Department, and a better parental accountability.

The “Women in the Modern Society” project is supported by the Collaborative Governance Program (CGP), which promotes effective collaboration among civil society, the private sector, and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic. The Program is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID), and is implemented by East-West Management Institute (EWMI).