Information resource on donors activities
in the Kyrgyz Republic

News block


Published: 21 December 2016 г.

BISHKEK – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) today welcomed a new contribution from the Russian Federation that will be used to support rural livelihoods and strengthen national productive safety nets for the most vulnerable communities in the Kyrgyz Republic.

The US$5 million contribution will support the WFP and Kyrgyz Government joint development project, which is helping to increase the incomes of vulnerable rural populations by improving rural infrastructure and providing skills training. This contribution will also allow for the expansion of the project to support new rural communities and small townships.

“Unremitting support from the Russian Federation underscores the strength of the country’s support to improve rural livelihoods in the Kyrgyz Republic,” said WFP Kyrgyz Republic Country Director Ram Saravanamuttu. “This contribution also supports the consolidation of WFP’s development efforts towards a broader range of projects to support the poor and vulnerable.”

Thanks to the joint effort, irrigation networks have been restored and croplands brought back into use, and key infrastructure such as bridges, roads, canals and flood protection dams have been restored. Additionally, nearly half of the participants in WFP’s vocational training have found employment or have started their own businesses, while many more are now involved in income-generating activities.

 “The Kyrgyz Government has set a priority to continue to reduce poverty and create an enabling environment to improve the social and economic conditions of the Kyrgyz people,” said Minister of Labour and Social Development Taalaikul Isakunova. “The Kyrgyz Government and WFP’s joint project is helping to sustainably meet national development priorities,” added the Minister.

To date, this project has directly benefited over 240,000 vulnerable Kyrgyz people through the creation of community-prioritised assets, income-generating activities and skills training.

 “The WFP and the Kyrgyz Government’s joint project has delivered sustainable results through the strengthening of rural livelihoods, improving food security and nutrition, and enhancing the productive safety nets,” remarked Ambassador of the Russian Federation Andrey Krutko. “The Government of the Russian Federation is therefore committed to further supporting this crucial development project in the Kyrgyz Republic.”

The Russian Federation has contributed over US$50 million to support WFP activities that improve food security, enhance productive safety nets and optimize school meals in the Kyrgyz Republic, making it the single largest donor to WFP in the country.

About WFP

WFP is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide, delivering food assistance in emergencies and working with communities to improve nutrition and build resilience. Each year, WFP assists some 80 million people in around 80 countries.