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Singapore Family Celebrate Toddler’s Birthday by Raising Funds for Bishkek’s Children’s Centre

Published: 27 April 2017 г.

When resident Sahil Keshvani and his parents discovered there toddlers needing support in Bishkek, they wanted to help.  Instead of a typical celebration, his parents decided to celebrate his third birthday by making a meaningful difference. Together with family, friends and well-wishers, they raised more than 130,000 Kyrgyz soms for the Bishkek Children’s Centre, which houses social orphans.

“When you have a toddler, you attend many parties. We asked ourselves, how can we make Sahil’s third birthday meaningful?” said Sahil’s mother, Malathi. “Sharing this occasion with those less fortunate was a privilege.”

A Bishkek-based friend shared the plight of the Centre and its challenges. Though they have sufficient funds for 70 social orphans, they were at over capacity. Four meals per child per day costs 110 kgs (US$1.60).

“Such a unique way to celebrate a birthday. It was lovely to see the two and three-year-olds from the Centre enjoy the afternoon. I am so glad I brought my toddler, too,” said Aigerim Miyatova.

Sahil’s friends contributed generously, with a guest tripling the total funds raised. His family organised snacks, photography by Iskender Ermetov and entertainment provided by El-Studio for the Centre’s 25 three-year-olds.

“Every guest enjoyed the party, and participated wholeheartedly. I saw each one of them engaging with the kids and participating in the fun,” said Elmira Köchümkulova.

With the funds raised, the family purchased basic necessities requested by the Centre. The generosity from friends exceeded the family’s expectations, and they are now exploring to support another Centre outside Bishkek.

“We were inspired by Sydney Smith’s words, ‘It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little – do what you can’, and were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm and support we received. We hope this will inspire the imagination of others to contribute to those in need,” said Sahil’s father, Nisar.

Nisar Keshvani works for the University of Central Asia. Originally from Singapore, the Keshvanis have been residing in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic for the past eight years.