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Osh Mayor and Youth of Osh Present the Online Citizen Reporting Tool at the Forum of Cities

Published: 12 May 2017 г.

On March 11-12, at the First Forum of the cities of Kyrgyzstan, the Osh Mayor’s Office and Public Union "Youth of Osh" presented an online map and mobile application “OshCity”, which enables Osh municipal services to receive online appeals, complaints and recommendations from the residents of Osh city. To improve interaction between city residents and municipalities in addressing various city issues, the platform was designed by the Public Union “Youth of Osh” for the Osh Mayor’s Office with the support of the USAID Collaborative Governance Program (CGP).

Since February 2016, the residents of the city of Osh have been able to send their online appeals through a special platform, , created on the official website of the Mayor's Office. Osh municipal services and the Osh Mayor’s Office received over 250 appeals during the past year. In order to improve access to the online platform for Osh residents, a mobile application “OshCity” was created on AppStore and Google Play Market in Russian and Kyrgyz in April 2017. Now every resident can send appeals quickly and directly to the Mayor’s Office and to 25 city services, as well as upload photos, videos and read the Mayor's Office news on their website

All residents’ appeals and responses from the municipal services are open to any user on the online platform and are administered simultaneously by 25 representatives of municipal and state services / enterprises. According to representatives of the services, the map has greatly simplified their work. "At our meetings with citizens, we always ask them to use this platform. This new information technology helps to better manage the city’s need. For example, citizens themselves write not only about the problems, but also offer some new solutions through online appeals, for example, what kind of trees to plant in the city," - said the director of Landscaping and greenery enterprise Aigul Navatova.

Collaborative Governance Program (CGP) promotes effective collaboration among civil society, the private sector, and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic. The Program is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID), and is implemented by East-West Management Institute (EWMI).