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Switzerland to support the solution of local issues in Chuy province

Published: 17 May 2017 г.

The certificates for grant support in the amount of over 14,5 million som were awarded to 15 municipalities of the Chuy province at the ceremony held on 17th of May 2017 in Bishkek.

The awarding ceremony was organized in the framework of the "Strengthening Voice and Accountability: Citizens’ Participation and Oversight of Budgetary Processes" project. The project aims at ensuring participation of citizens in budgetary processes and strengthening the capacity of municipalities to improve services delivered to citizens. It is implemented by the Development Policy Institute with the financial support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

The competition for grant support has been announced among all municipalities of the Chuy province. In total 33 applications were submitted, out of which 15 projects with the highest scores were selected by the committee. According to the conditions of the competition, grant funds are allocated to local budgets and used exclusively for financing of the projects aimed at addressing local issues and improving living conditions of local communities.

“In 2017, 9 out of 15 supported projects are meant to improve conditions for children of preschool and school age. These projects were voted and chosen by local communities of 15 municipalities at their village gatherings organized by municipalities," - said Bekbolot Bekiev, manager of the project. “I hope that citizens will continue to be involved in the budgetary processes at the local level, since local development should be a joint effort of citizens, municipalities and stakeholders at the national level,” - said Danielle Meuwly Monteleone, Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Switzerland in the Kyrgyz Republic.

The list of winning municipalities is as follows:

  1. Rayon AO Project title 1 Alamudun Grozd "Water is life"
  2. Alamudun Lenin "All the best for children"
  3. Chui Burana "Water is the source of life"
  4. Chui Onbir-Jylga "Children are our future"
  5. Jaiyl Ak-Bashat "Children are our future"
  6. Jaiyl Kara-Suu "Good and healthy nutrition is proper nutrition"
  7. Kemin Boroldoi "School and pre-school should be warm for healthy education"
  8. Kemin Chym-Korgon "Repair of heating system and canteen in high school"
  9. Kemin Kyzyl Oktyabr "The future of children is in our hands"
  10. Moscow Alexsnadrovska "Children's friendship is the strength of the nation"
  11. Moscow Sadovoe "Tasty knowledge"
  12. Sokuluk Kun-Tuu "Better conditions at AO office make better conditions for service delivery"
  13. Sokuluk Kyzyl-Tuu "Renovation of the main hall at the House of Culture"
  14. Yssyk-Ata Kochkorbaev "Light to the people"
  15. Yssyk-Ata Yurievka "Repair of sports hall in school"