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Central Asian Environment and Emergencies Agencies and journalists improve PR and data visualization skills

Published: 11 July 2017 г.

Kyrgyzstan hosts the Central Asian thematic workshop “Classic PR tools and a new language of interaction between governmental agencies and the media: data visualization” for representatives of the PR and press services of the governmental agencies and journalists from Central Asian countries on July 10-11 in Kyrgyzstan.


The workshop aims to improve knowledge and basic skills in public relations, working with new media for prompt and high-quality information to the general public about emergencies, environment and natural resources. It will help to enrich the participants’ skills on combining increasingly available environmental data with the use of data visualization tools in producing multimedia information content for public use.  About 25 representatives from state bodies of emergencies and environment protection as well as journalists from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan will take part in this event.

un2.jpgThe upcoming workshop will be led by well-known international trainers Ivan Pechishev and Dainius Radzevicius. Mr. Pechishev is a Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Chair of Journalism and Mass Communications Faculty in the Perm University, a professional trainer in public relations and communications. Dainius Radzevičius has been the Chairman of the Lithuanian Journalists Union since 2003 and Chairman of the Council of Lithuanian National Radio and Television since 2010. With a Master’s degree from the Institute of Journalism from the faculty of Communication at Vilnius University, Mr. Radzevićius has experience working from throughout the media and journalism sector.

un3.jpgThe workshop is conducted by Ministry of Emergencies of the Kyrgyz Republic jointly with UNDP-GEF “Strengthening of institutional and legal capacities to enable improvement of the national monitoring system and management of environmental information” Project and Internews in framework of the “Media for Improved Reporting on Environment and Natural Resources in Central Asia” project funded by the European Union.

About Internews’ project: The “Media for Improved Reporting on Environment and Natural Resources in Central Asia” project’s goals are to improve communication and collaboration between CSOs and media professionals from Central Asian countries through regional exchange reporting trips, thematic educational events on the environment and natural resources, and professional networking events. Working together with local CSOs and media companies, the project will develop and deploy sustainable interactive tools and platforms including data visualizations, mapping, and ways to improve civic engagement with environmental protections. The project is funded by the European Union and implemented by Internews.

About UNDP Project: The “Strengthening of institutional and legal capacities to enable improvement of the national monitoring system and management of environmental information” Project is implemented by the UNDP in the Kyrgyz Republic and funded by the Global Environmental Facility. One of the main objectives of the project is awareness rising among decision makers and strengthen a set of important capacities to make better decisions to meet and sustain global environmental obligations. Activities have to be focused on the better management and application of environmental data and information to formulate and implement sectoral development plans that better reflect global environmental dimensions.