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Consultation on the Kyrgyz Republic’s Strategic Programme for Climate Resilience

Published: 06 September 2017 г.

The Government of the Kyrgyz Republic Presents its Climate Resilience Investment Plan

The Strategic Programme on Climate Resilience is the strategic climate investment planning framework of the Kyrgyz Republic. It sets-out the climate resilient investment priorities for the country’s priority economic sectors. The Strategic Programme of the Kyrgyz Republic includes a pipeline of projects to be potentially supported by climate finance, including by the Green Climate Fund (GCF).

The Kyrgyz Republic is one of the most vulnerable countries in Central Asia to climate change risks due largely to its glacial hydrology and mountainous terrain. Key economic sectors are vulnerable to these impacts, which are further exacerbated by the state of the country’s infrastructure.

The situation is especially serious in regards to water resource availability. It’s expected that in the longer-term, due to rising surface temperatures and decreasing glacier areas, glacial water will contribute less to river flows. This will result in higher vulnerability to energy shortages, as over 90 per cent of the country’s energy is generated by hydropower plants. A fall in water supply will also affect agriculture, the Kyrgyz Republic’s main economic sector.

The Kyrgyz Republic is actively seeking to address these issues by developing a climate finance coordination system in order to effectively mainstream climate change considerations into sustainable development planning.

In 2015, the country joined the Pilot Programme on Climate Resilience (PPCR) led by the EBRD and supported by Climate Investment Fund. The PPCR enabled the Kyrgyz Republic to develop the strategic climate investment planning framework – the Strategic Programme for Climate Resilience (SPCR) and options for climate finance coordination.

The Strategic Programme aims to help to mobilize and leverage finance for climate resilience in key economic sectors, from a variety of sources, including PPCR, other climate finance mechanisms such as the Green Climate Fund (GCF), Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) finance, and development partners.

The Consultation Draft of the Strategic Programme is available via 

The development of the Strategic Programme was supported by international financial institutions led by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) along with the Asian Development Bank (ABD), the World Bank, and the community of development partners in the Kyrgyz Republic.