Mercy Corps is a non-religious, non-profit, and non-governmental international humanitarian organization.
Mercy Corps is implementing Water for Peace Project: Climate Resilient and Peaceful Communities (W4P) funded by the PATRIP foundation.
Mercy Corps is inviting qualified organizations and private entrepreneurs to participate in the “Intent To Bid” process under the TENDER on Cost analysis of water services and Training on improved water services payment schedule/system; Development of guidance on local resource mobilization and coaching to local institutions; Training services (Project design and implementation for irrigation and drinking water; Water saving technologies; Climate Change Adaptation and Resource Management) for residents in 25 border communities in Batken and Leilek districts within W4P Project.
Initially, if you are willing to participate in the above-mentioned tender, you are requested to submit the Intent to Bid and Supplier Information Form only, at this stage.
Full package of documents (Intent To Bid and Supplier Information Form) can be downloaded from the following websites:,, or can be picked up at Mercy Corps offices (73 Erkindik boulevard, Bishkek, KR).
Interested bidders are requested to submit the filled (signed and stamped) documents from January 23, 2025, to February 3, 2025, by email to: with indicating BIS-ST-RFP-0043 “Conducting training within W4P” in the subject line or return completed Intent to Bid and Supplier Information Forms in person and put in the Tender Box placed at Mercy Corps office (73 Erkindik boulevard, Bishkek, KR). The Tender Reference number should be written in the envelope.
The deadline for submission is 17:00, February 3, 2025.
Please note – you are NOT REQUIRED to submit your Offers at this stage.
The completed Tender Package will be shared with those who submitted the signed and stamped Intend to Bid form and Supplier Information Form in a timely manner.