Information resource on donors activities
in the Kyrgyz Republic
19 June 2015 г.

UNHCR warns of dangerous new era in worldwide displacement as report shows almost 60 million people forced to flee their homes

A UNHCR report, released today, shows that worldwide displacement from wars, conflict, and persecution is at the highest levels we have recorded, and accelerating fast.

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19 June 2015 г.

Inaugural UCA Summer Camp Begins in Issyk-Kul

Korumdu Village, Kyrgyz Republic, 18 June 2015 – The inaugural University of Central Asia (UCA) Summer Camp opened on 18 June on the shores of beautiful Lake Issyk-Kul in the Kyrgyz Republic.

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17 June 2015 г.

Energy policy-makers discuss climate technologies in Istanbul

Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources hosts workshop for post-Soviet and southern and eastern Mediterranean countries

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17 June 2015 г.

Anthropologist’s Homecoming Highlights Unique Kyrgyz History and Culture

A recent book launch in Kyzyl-Jar village in Jalal-Abad province, southern Kyrgyzstan, highlighted unique aspects of Kyrgyz culture and celebrated hometown anthropologist Dr Elmira K?ch?mkulova.

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15 June 2015 г.

Ban Ki-moon's remarks at press event with Prime Minister of Kyrgyz Republic at Event Marking Fifth Anniversary of the Tragic Events in Kyrgyzstan

Today, we meet in a lively city. But five short years ago, Osh was the scene of tragic events that shocked Kyrgyzstan and the international community. I was in Kyrgyzstan in April 2010 and felt the rising tensions at that time. By June, inter-ethnic strife erupted into a conflict that left hundreds dead, thousands injured, and an entire country traumatized.

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15 June 2015 г.

Ban Ki-moon's remarks to press with President of Kyrgyz Republic

It is a great pleasure to be in the Kyrgyz Republic for my second visit as Secretary-General of the United Nations.
I thank President Almazbek Atambaev, the Government and the people of Kyrgyzstan for their warm welcome and hospitality.

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15 June 2015 г.

Remarks to International Conference on Development of Parliamentarianism

Ban Ki-moon's speech: It is a great honour to address this International Conference on Parliamentarianism. As I do so, I recall my last visit to your magnificent country in April 2010.

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15 June 2015 г.

UCA Summer Camp Recruits the Very Best

Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, 12 June 2015 –There are several factors that go into successfully applying to university. Many of these also help you succeed at university and lay the foundation for a successful professional life. Among them are clarifying your goals, assessing your strengths and weaknesses, improving pivotal skills in math and language, and most importantly, planning ahead.

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10 June 2015 г.

Local EU Statement on the anniversary of the June 2010 tragic events

The European Union Delegation issues the following statement in agreement with the EU Heads of Mission to the Kyrgyz Republic.

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09 June 2015 г.

Fifth Professional Development Workshop: Professors of the Consortium of Universities Advancing NPM Education in the Kyrgyz Republic

On June 3-4, 2015, 23 dedicated professors representing 11 universities - members of the Consortium of Universities on NPM in the Kyrgyz Republic actively participated in the 5th Professional Development Workshop organized with support of the USAID Collaborative Governance Program.

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