Information resource on donors activities
in the Kyrgyz Republic
27 November 2014 г.

EBRD finances its first wind farm in Kazakhstan

50 MW wind power project in Yereymentau will road-test new renewables legislation which EBRD helped develop. In a landmark project for Kazakhstan’s renewables industry, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is supporting the first large-scale wind farm in the country to be financed under the new feed-in-tariff mechanism.

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27 November 2014 г.

Kyrgyzstan: “Don’t condemn LGBT people to silence” – UN rights experts urge Parliament to withdraw anti-gay bill

GENEVA (26 November 2014) – A group of United Nations human rights experts* have urged the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan to reject a bill that would introduce criminal and administrative sanctions for acts aimed at forming “a positive attitude towards non-traditional sexual orientation.”

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26 November 2014 г.

Through Diversity to Sustainable Development of Kyrgyzstan conference

On November 27, the Through Diversity to Sustainable Development of Kyrgyzstan conference will be held in Hotel Dostuk in Bishkek.

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26 November 2014 г.

Kyrgyzstan updates its plan for potential influx of refugees

Bishkek, 25 November (UNHCR) – UNHCR and the Ministry of Emergency Situations jointly convened the 3rd High level Working Group on Contingency Planning. High-level officials from various government and UN agencies participated in the event in order to update the Joint UNHCR/Government Contingency Plan. This plan was developed during the First Joint High Level Working Group in April 2013. During 2014, the Kyrgyz Government and UNHCR have worked together in order to adjust the plan in accordance with current priorities.

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26 November 2014 г.

Naryn Governor Meets with Aga Khan Development Network Following His Highness the Aga Khan’s Visit to Naryn

Naryn, Kyrgyz Republic, 22 November 2014 – Mr Amanbay Kayipov, Governor of Naryn Oblast and Mr Shamsh Kassim-Lakha, Head of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) Representation, Kyrgyz Republic met to review and discuss the University of Central Asia (UCA) and potential investments in the oblast.

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24 November 2014 г.

EBRD lends further support to Tajik food maker Dilpisand

Company to expand retail network with US$ 500,000 loan. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Bank Eskhata are further extending their support to Dilpisand, a producer of traditional Tajik food, with a US$ 500,000 loan provided in a new joint financing agreement. 

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21 November 2014 г.

Renovated Hall for Creative Youth in Jalal-Abad

Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyzstan, November 20, 2014 – Residents of Jalal-Abad city renovated the concert hall in the Jalal-Abad Oblast Children's Art Center. The hall opening ceremony was held today, November 20, 2014. The hall renovation was carried out with financial support of the USAID’s Women's Peace Banks Project implemented by the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia (EFCA).

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19 November 2014 г.

EBRD and KazMicroFinance channel US$ 5 million to rural SMEs

EBRD enforces new environmental and social policy, public information policy and project complaint mechanism. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and KazMicroFinance – the largest non-banking microfinance institution in Kazakhstan – continue their efforts to improve access to finance for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the regions of Kazakhstan.

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19 November 2014 г.

Innovation by companies key as emerging countries strive to catch up with more developed economies

New EBRD report shows how firm innovation can unlock the growth potential of economies. Innovation by companies is a powerful lever that can galvanise growth in emerging countries and help bring their economies in line with their more prosperous neighbours, according to a new report from the EBRD.

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17 November 2014 г.

EBRD President Chakrabarti visits Tajikistan

Meeting with President Emomali Rahmon opens first visit by EBRD president in nine years. EBRD President Sir Suma Chakrabarti is visiting Tajikistan on Monday 17 and Tuesday 18 November. This is the first official visit to the country by an EBRD president in the last nine years.

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