Information resource on donors activities
in the Kyrgyz Republic
30 July 2014 г.

EBRD signs its largest project in Tajikistan to date

US$ 75 million from EBRD and donors for upgrade of Qairokkum hydropower plant. In its largest project in Tajikistan to date, and one of the largest in the country’s energy sector, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing a US$50 million loan to fund the first phase of the modernisation of the Qairokkum hydropower plant. Built in 1957, the plant is the only electricity generating facility in northern Tajikistan and supplies energy to over 500,000 homes in the Sugd region.

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24 July 2014 г.

EBRD’s Mongolia wind farm project wins US Treasury Award

Groundbreaking Salkhit wind farm recognised – EBRD is largest renewables investor in the region. The prestigious US Treasury Development Impact Honors award has recognised the EBRD Salkhit wind farm project in Mongolia.

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18 July 2014 г.

EU Project holds International Conference on Central Asia handicraft and European markets

Within the framework of the EU-funded project “Handicraft and Business through Regional Integration and Fair Trade Market”, the Public Association “Bishkek Business Club” (BBC) will organize International Conference “Regional Cooperation as a key instrument for promoting Central Asian Handicraft into International Sales Markets”.

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17 July 2014 г.

Statement at the Conclusion of an IMF Staff Mission to the Kyrgyz Republic

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) team led by Mr. Edward Gemayel visited Bishkek July 9–15, 2014. Discussions focused on recent economic developments and the economic outlook, as wells as issues surrounding the accession to the Eurasian Customs Union (ECU).

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17 July 2014 г.

World Bank to Support Improved Management of Pastures and Livestock in the Kyrgyz Republic

WASHINGTON, July 15, 2014—The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors today approved US$15 million equivalent in financing for the Pasture and Livestock Management Improvement Project in the Kyrgyz Republic. US$8.25 million of this financing is a concessional credit, while US$6.75 million is a grant.

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14 July 2014 г.

Kyrgyz Republic: Sixth Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Political context. On April 3, 2014, parliament approved a new government, led by Mr. Otorbaev, the new Prime Minister. The ministers of economy and finances kept their positions. Moreover, on May 7, 2014, a new chairperson was appointed for the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic (NBKR). No major changes in economic policies are expected.

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11 July 2014 г.

Andras Simor appointed EBRD Vice President for Finance and CFO

Andras Simor, the EBRD’s Vice President Policy, has been appointed Vice President Finance and Chief Financial Officer, effective from October 2014.

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09 July 2014 г.

Swiss Federal Councillor on visit in Kyrgyzstan

On 6-7 July 2014, a delegation headed by Federal Councillor Ms. Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf (the Swiss Finance Minister) visited Bishkek on a working visit.

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09 July 2014 г.

Naryn Vice Governor and UCA Board Executive Committee Visit Naryn Campus Site

Naryn, Kyrgyz Republic, 4 July 2014 – The Naryn Vice-Governor, Chinara Abdraimakunova and the University of Central Asia (UCA) Board Executive Committee (BEC) visited its main campus in Naryn, Kyrgyz Republic.

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09 July 2014 г.

UCA Recognises First Graduates of Practical Business Management Programme

The University of Central Asia (UCA) celebrated its sixth annual graduation ceremony at the Ismaili Centre, Dushanbe on 28 June 2014. Over 175 graduates from the School of Professional and Continuing Education (SPCE) and the Aga Khan Humanities Programme (AKHP) received certificates in professional development and skills building programmes.

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