Information resource on donors activities
in the Kyrgyz Republic
08 September 2017 г.

Governor Welcomes Role of UCA in Naryn

“The University of Central Asia (UCA) is not only important to Kyrgyzstan, but will also compete with universities around the world. It will forge friendships overseas and be an asset for all in the education sector.” The Governor of Naryn Oblast, Mr. Amanbay Kayipov, was Chief Guest at the First Day of Classes at UCA’s Naryn Campus on 7 September 2017. He also welcomed students from other Central Asian Countries, including Pakistan and Afghanistan, and added that “UCA has helped strengthen sports, culture, and inter-ethnic relations in Naryn.”

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07 September 2017 г.

14 cars to be granted to family doctors to serve the population of the remote villages of the Issyk-Kul oblast of the Kyrgyz Republic

The Embassy of Switzerland in the Kyrgyz Republic and the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic will award fourteen automobiles Lada 21310 to family group practitioners of the Ton, Jeti Oguz and Tyup rayons of the Issyk-Kul oblast of Kyrgyzstan. 

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06 September 2017 г.

Consultation on the Kyrgyz Republic’s Strategic Programme for Climate Resilience

The Government of the Kyrgyz Republic Presents its Climate Resilience Investment Plan

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06 September 2017 г.

“Green” economy for journalists of Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstani journalists learnt key concepts of the "green" economy at a special training held in Osh on August 28-29, 2017.

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05 September 2017 г.

Judges Will Help High School Students Understand the Judicial System in the Kyrgyz Republic Better

September 7, 2017 - Kyrgyz Association of Women Judges will launch a series of guest lectures on the judicial system in the Kyrgyz Republic in more than 24 schools across the country. The first guest lectures will be conducted at school #1 and #3 in Bakay-Ata district of Talas province, and the Arabaev school in Kochkor district of Naryn province. The main goal of the lectures is to improve the knowledge of students about the judicial system and the level of their legal awareness through live communication with judges and to raise the level of public trust in the judiciary.

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05 September 2017 г.

Cambridge Doctoral Scholarships for Young Scholars

4 September 2017 – The University of Central Asia (UCA) in partnership with the Cambridge Trust is pleased to announce scholarship opportunities for doctoral study at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.

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04 September 2017 г.

National WaSH Review conducted for the first time in Kyrgyzstan

In mid-August, an extended meeting of the Coordination Commission in the sphere of drinking water supply, sewerage and sanitation services in the Kyrgyz Republic was held in Bishkek.

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28 August 2017 г.

Siut Bulak has been sold to a Swiss investor in Bishkek

On 22 August 2017, the dairy company Siut Bulak has been sold to a Swiss investor in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic. Siut Bulak, whose products are marketed under the brand Dairy Spring, is one of the top dairy industry players in the dairy industry in the Central Asian republic.

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28 August 2017 г.

US$ 120 million deal for Sainshand wind farm in Mongolia reaches financial close

The Sainshand wind farm in Mongolia, the third privately financed wind farm in the country, will receive a US$ 120 million project financing package from a group of international investors and financiers.

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31 July 2017 г.

Financing Kyrgyzstan’s Protected Areas at forefront of conservation debate

A new study conducted by BIOFIN has found the value of ecosystem services in the Chon-Kemin Nature Park to be worth US$ 140 million per year – a unique habitat for flora and fauna including the iconic snow leopard.

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