Information resource on donors activities
in the Kyrgyz Republic
08 November 2017 г.

Green Economy: Eco-friendly Development

On October 31, the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic held a press reception entitled “Green Economy: Waste-Free Production as a Source of a New Business Model”.

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30 October 2017 г.

World Bank to Help Kyrgyz Republic Improve Efficiency and Quality of Heat Supply

WASHINGTON, October 27, 2017 – More than 200,000 people in the Kyrgyz Republic will benefit from the improved efficiency and quality of heating during cold winter months, thanks to the Heat Supply Improvement Project, approved today by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors. The project will be financed by the combination of a US $23 million credit and a US $23 million grant.

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30 October 2017 г.

International Monetary Fund and the Swiss Government Support Transparency of Fiscal Statistics in the Kyrgyz Republic

A training on government finance statistics took place in Bishkek from October 23 to 27. The course was conducted by the Statistics Department of the IMF and sponsored by the Swiss Government (Swiss Secretariat for Economic Affairs - SECO) in the context of the “Central Asia Fiscal Transparency” project.

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26 October 2017 г.

IMF Executive Board Concludes 2017 Article IV Consultation with the Kyrgyz Republic

On October 20, 2017, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concluded the Article IV consultation [1] with Kyrgyz Republic. The Kyrgyz economy is slowly recovering from external shocks (lower oil prices, weaker regional environment). The recovery is supported by a pickup in partner-country growth and a flexible exchange regime. Inflation is starting to normalize, pushed by an increase in food prices, but remains below the central bank’s target range. The current account deficit is narrowing, helped by a rebound in exports and remittances.

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25 October 2017 г.

Switzerland supports service improvement at the local level

On October 24, 2017, an official ceremony was held to inaugurate a renovated water supply system providing access to safe drinking water for the population of the village Kachybek of Ak-Chiy Aiyl Aimak of the Issyk-Kul oblast, and its social facilities, i.e one school, one kindergarten, one village medical point and the sport hall. The ceremony was attended by the residents, representatives of the local municipality and council, representatives of the oblast and the district authorities.

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23 October 2017 г.

Kyrgyzstan reduces POPs emissions into atmosphere

Emissions of harmful persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in atmosphere during inappropriate medical wastes disposal is a relevant problem for the whole world and Kyrgyzstan does not stand apart. In 2005, the Kyrgyz Republic ratified the Stockholm Convention on POPs.

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23 October 2017 г.

Ecosystem Services Valuation in terms of Science and Education

A seminar entitled “Increased capacity of key partners in ecosystem services assessment” was held at the Department “Sustainable Development of Environment and Life Safety” of the Kyrgyz Russian Slavonic University (KRSU) under the UNDP-UNEP Poverty-Environment Initiative.

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23 October 2017 г.

New Project Designed to Improve the Efficiency of State Social Procurement

Bishkek - On October 24-25, 2017, a seminar will be held to develop criteria for the evaluation of social services offered through the state social procurement.

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16 October 2017 г.

UCA voice: ‘This year was full of great memories, UCA has become our second home’ – Dias Kabykenov

Dias Kabykenov is 18 years old and was born and raised in the Almaty region of Kazakhstan. He is fond of free-style wrestling, chess, and the national board game togyzkumalak. Dias has won the Republican Presidential Olympiad in four subjects including mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology and graduated high school with honours.

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16 October 2017 г.

Speaker of Parliament Visits UCA Campus in Naryn

After a tour of the University of Central Asia’s Campus and facilities in Naryn on 11 October, the Speaker of the Parliament, Chynybai Tursunbekov complimented UCA on the quality of its education standards and academic resources.

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