Information resource on donors activities
in the Kyrgyz Republic
03 October 2016 г.

EBRD channels local currency funds to Kyrgyz small businesses via KICB

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is boosting support to private entrepreneurship in the Kyrgyz Republic by providing a local currency credit line to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the country.

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03 October 2016 г.

Switzerland to allocate additional funding for elections in Kyrgyzstan

The Government of Switzerland continues supporting the efforts of the Kyrgyz authorities in the framework of the project “Strengthening Democratic Practices in the Election Processes in the Kyrgyz Republic”.

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28 September 2016 г.

Experts Discuss New Approaches in Assessment of Police Performance

Bishkek, 29 September 2016 – The Liberal Youth Alliance “Free Generation” and Civic Union “For Reforms and Result” will host a round table to discuss the results of piloting innovative and new approaches in external assessment of police performance in Sverdlosvkii Rayon of the city of Bishkek and the cities of Uzgen and Talas. The round table will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the “Plaza” Hotel (52, Togolok Moldo Street). 

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27 September 2016 г.

Forum on organic products to be held in Jalal-Abad city

On 28-29 September, 2016 a forum on organic products within the “BioCotton” project funded by the Government of Switzerland will be held in Jalal-Abad city.

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26 September 2016 г.

Citizens of Osh City Work to Reduce Early and Unregistered Marriages

Osh City – on September 21, 2016 the Public Association “Law Center” organized the roundtable with local government representatives, public preventive centers, the Office of Civil Registrations, members of the local clergy, and human rights organizations as a part of the “Women in the Modern Society” project with the goal to reduce the number of early and unregistered marriages.

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23 September 2016 г.

EBRD First Vice President in Mongolia to mark 10 years of investment

The First Vice President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Phil Bennett, will visit Mongolia to meet with the new government and the business community, and to mark the Bank’s 10th anniversary of investing in the country.

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23 September 2016 г.

In Karakol, Women Learned about Ways of Protecting themselves from Domestic Violence

In the City of Karakol, Issyk-Kul Oblast - on September 21st. in the "Tagay Tai" Guest House; the Public Union "Abiyir El" conducted a one-day workshop on protection of women and their rights in terms of domestic violence.  25 women from vulnerable groups from the three target localities of Boz-Uchuk, Kerege-Tash, and Maman of Ak-Suu Rayons as well as the City of Karakol in Issyk-Kul Oblast attended the workshop.

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21 September 2016 г.

Osh Schools Improve Access for Children with Special Needs

The city of Osh – on September 22, 2016 at 11.00 a.m. in secondary school № 10 named after V. Lenin, Public Foundation “Smail.KG” will host a ceremony to open special infrastructure (ramps) for children with disabilities. The installation of these ramps is a manifestation of the spirit of “inclusive education” in the Kyrgyz Republic to assist children with disabilities in joining their peers in school.

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21 September 2016 г.

In Batken - Madrasah Students Study Women Leadership and Public Speaking

City of Batken, Batken Oblast – On 20-21 September 2016, 20 female students of Muaz ibn Jabal madrasah in Batken and of Abdulla ibn Abbas madrasah in Leilek rayon will participate in the training “Women Leadership and Public Speaking”. Participants will work on effective communication skills, how to use their “personal and inner resources”, enhancing their public speaking skills, and how to present their work to an audience.  This training stresses results-oriented techniques in the preparation for public speaking, becoming familiar with techniques for introducing a dispute, how to overcome a “fear” of public speaking, and how to use the rules of positive and constructive speech.

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20 September 2016 г.

Osh Volunteers Received Training in how to Work with Children with Special Needs

Osh – On Sunday, September 18th a one-day capacity development training course was provided in the city of Osh for three groups of volunteers on effective and innovative approaches in providing assistance to children with special needs and their families. The training course was held in the Hotel “Salam”. The Public foundation “Blagodat” conducted the training in partnership with the Public Foundations “Family to Every Child” and “” as part of their project “Improvement of Opportunities and Support for Children with Special Needs in Osh”.  This project is supported by the USAID Collaborative Governance Program. 

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