Information resource on donors activities
in the Kyrgyz Republic
22 June 2016 г.

“Strengthening Justice and Benevolence in the Society” Meeting in Batken Oblast with the Kyrgyz Republic’s Deputy of JK Cholpon Sultanbekova

Batken – On June 21, 2016, Cholpon Sultanbekova, the deputy of the Kyrgyz Republic’s Jokorku Kenesh (parliament), joined Batken Oblast government officials, representatives from CSOs, students, including Madrasah girls, and local community members for a meeting on “Strengthening Justice and Benevolence in the Society.” The meeting started at 11 a.m. in the conference hall in Batken State University.

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20 June 2016 г.

Care Leavers (People Leaving Institutional Care): Reality and Opportunities

Bishkek –On June 21, 2016, Public Charitable Foundation “Oasis” and Public Association “Our Voice” will conduct a round table –“Care Leavers: Reality and Opportunities,” – as a part of the Care Leavers Advocacy Project. The roundtable will start at 13 p.m. at the Golden Dragon Hotel. The project is supported by the Collaborative Governance Program, funded by USAID and DFID.

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20 June 2016 г.

IMF Executive Board Completes the Second Review Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement for the Kyrgyz Republic and Approves US$13.4 Million Disbursement

IMF Executive Board Completes the Second Review Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement for the Kyrgyz Republic and Approves US$13.4 Million Disbursement. 

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16 June 2016 г.

Summer Camp for Girls to Be Held in Arslanbob

Jalal-Abad – Public Foundation “Young Citizens Development” and Public Association “Alliance for Reproductive Health” are organizing a summer camp as part of the “Women’s Health and Empowerment” project. The camp will be open in Arslanbob from July 18-23rd. Girls from ages 14 to 17 years-old, who study in secondary schools and live in Jalal-Abad and Batken Oblasts, can participate in the summer camp.

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15 June 2016 г.

EBRD, Silk Road Fund agree to cooperate

Memorandum of Understanding paves way for joint projects with fund set up to support China’s Belt and Road Initiative. A cooperation agreement has been reached between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Silk Road Fund, established to implement China’s Belt and Road initiative, inspired by the ancient Silk Road connecting China and Europe.

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13 June 2016 г.

EU and EBRD help to upgrade Bishkek’s waste collection fleet

On 8 June, the city of Bishkek took delivery of 32 specialised trucks for waste collection, acquired for a project to modernise solid waste management and part of a comprehensive environmental improvement programme for the Kyrgyz capital. Previously, the city had received over 5,000 waste containers.

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06 June 2016 г.

Kyrgyz Government hosted the 4th meeting of the Kyrgyz-Swiss Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation in Bishkek

The 4th meeting of the Kyrgyz-Swiss Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation took place in Bishkek on 3 June 2016.

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06 June 2016 г.

Smile.KG to Share Results of Fundraising Campaign for Ramps for Osh Schools

Osh – Smile.KG will share the results of its fundraising campaign for ramps in Osh schools at an event on June 6, 2016, at 10 a.m. at Gorkii School #8. The campaign aims to create infrastructures to enable children with disabilities to access secondary education by collecting funds and materials for the construction of ramps in three schools in the city of Osh.

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31 May 2016 г.

Jalal-Abad Will Host a Discussion on the Use of Digital Signature

Jalal-Abad - On June 2, 2016, roundtable discussions on the theme “Raising Awareness of Osh Entrepreneurs on the Use of Digital Signature” will be held at “Bishkek” Restaurant in Jalal-Abad. The participants will discuss current problems and possibilities for using a digital signature (DS) for interactions of businesses with the government agencies, as well as learn about the legal framework that regulates the use of digital signature. The discussions are organized with the support of the Collaborative Governance Program, funded by USAID and DFID.

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31 May 2016 г.

Public Hearings on Proposed Anti-Corruption Amendments to Key Kyrygz Laws

Bishkek – The Anti-Corruption Business Council of the Kyrgyz Republic will hold public hearings on proposed anti-corruption amendments to a number of Kyrgyz laws on June 1, 2016, at 9:30 a.m. at the Plaza Hotel (52, Togolok Molodo Street). Participants will discuss amendments to the Kyrgyzstan’s Civil Code, Law on Collateral, Law on Bank Secrecy, Criminal Procedure Code and Civil Procedure Code. The amendments were proposed to ensure the protection of individual and legal property and to fulfill the Kyrgyz Republic’s obligation to ensure the protection of property rights in accordance with international rules and regulations ratified by Parliament.

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